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Domain wisecleaner. There should be a simple fallback. There should be a minimum of three buttons and a scroll wheel supported, and functional. Extra buttons are a bonus. These things have to work. You can't update for fix anything if you can't connect. Nice to have: 1. Printer support. Drivers, and something that installs them without heroics. Samba setup. It should be comprehendible by mere mortals.
Recognition of other installed systems, and the provision for starting them. File systems. I want to read and write not only Microsoft stuff but Unix as well. When something is missing, state what it is. Saying where to get it would be a bonus, but I can't even look for it, if I don't know what the program is looking for. I have a few issues. The first message I encountered was a dialog and apparently some service crashed.
I looked around for the install gui. So later I rebooted as "root", still nothing on the desktop. Going to Mepis and reading the install manual, it mentioned about a install button on the desktop!
What the hey. I had nothing. As I was already logged in as "root" , and the manual said to log in as "demo". When I did that I had a desktop full of icons. Apparently, booting up using "demo" login the crash ended the desktop completing. Just in case someone else sees the crash and doesn't have icons on the desktop. It's grayed out for some reason. I'm assuming to save space. I need that installed because I have many Excel files to run. Outside of those two issues, this was a very fast and easy install.
For a GUI installer it was quite responsive. And did I say fast! I been using Gnome for what seems like forever. This KDE 3. The desktop is also very appealing. Mepis has come along way since I last installed it, years ago. There are improved and extended themes and artwork for icewm and fluxbox.
New apps included: zim wiki , Gjots notes , Grsync, and parted. I thought the Fedora 10 live CD was slow, but this one definitely takes the cake. Everything is very slow the first time it is opened. It only takes about 3 seconds to open OOo writer the second time. No other live CD is anywhere near to this slow. I was going to try a dual-boot by replacing my Ubuntu install just can't get used to the bugs in Ubuntu - please don't respond that it works for you so that's proof that it just works.
My previous opensuse experiences were bad, so given the performance of the live CD, I think I'll just make this one into another coaster. Before that the internet connection would drop once in a while on this laptop. Also the desktop settings would not stick. All is well now the only exception being a few websites not loading normally.
Will seek help in the Fedora forums. Toshiba Satellite A with the Intell graphics and the core duo cpu. Nice going, the graphical installer. A minor problem with sound was quickly solved. But CrossOver is not to be installed, and I can not find ialibs in the reps.
I find this a major drawback. Vector 6 is not yet my favorite What the hell is going on, if he was fired and he still works for them, does that make any sense. Otherwise Happy Holidays to all linux users from around the world. I suppose you still don't know who I really am hint: the nick you know starts with an "s" and ends with a "4" Just wanted to wish you Merry Christmas and say something: of all available Debian derivatives I have come to the conclusion that the best is Debian itself!
Long gone are the times of Libranet 2. While the thing looks a little dubious to me thanks to the use of Microsoft names in the programs, I have to say the website sure looks nice. Why can't more distros make their websites look that clean and refreshing?
I ran AntiX for a couple of months as if it were Debian Lenny and it worked great. As a matter of fact, I view AntiX as more a way to get a nice-looking minimal Debian installation quickly, than as a lightweight Mepis. I add whatever I want from the Debian repos and have never had problems. YMMV of course. It is seems to be as rock solid as the 8. Need to see where these guys take this.
Good Job and I would support them if I could read their website. Two weeks ago my XP Pro got a bad virus and nearly wiped out all my data, but was able to recover all data, but the HD went south. I have had it with windows!!!
So the reason for this e-mail is to know if DistroWatch has a similar program as Polishlinux, so that when a newby looks for various versions of Linux software they can compare them against each other, with rating numbers, pros and cons, but with an updated time frame lets say of a month.
I have been looking at Polishlinux but it seamed to me that some of the software OS are almost a year behind. I though that your company has a great deal of info on this web site in which I check frequently, and it would be great for beginners like me to do some research all on one site, to determine which system a person would like to compare and make a purchase from that selection. It is just a thought. I am just tired of of MS,and all their bugs and brake downs. I would also like to know if there are any version of Linux OS's with a full complimentary applications in one CD that has al the applications to get up and transfer window files to let say Ubuntu, Suse, or the likes without having to install each individual program to the OS one would purchase.
Some people just are not that good at having to install apps, and one OS with most needed options to convert from MS to Linux would be wonderful. Thank you for what your organization is doing in the software world to provide so many choices with free stable OS and programs to. Presently I am retired and working with Veterans, and active military members. I belong to a Non-profit organization which are located in 39 States and 8 countries, and operate as Outposts, of them and 40 HomeFronts.
I am going to set up a system that will be running a Linux OS, but it will have to be a very user friendly with quick install and with what I had mentioned earlier. This organization has been around for 24 years. Again thank you for your dedicated information and any answer you might be able to provide me.
One bit Intel Desktop - Default install, no problems found. I have never seen easer installs, looking REAL good! Merry Christmas DistroWatch! Ask here or linuxquestions. It changes pretty quickly. Basically, when you install Ubuntu, you can find the Synaptic package manager and install from there. There is no skill required.
About the only problem is installing non-open source software. That can sometimes be a pain, but there's not really much that can be done: it's up to the software producers whether or not they want to support a given Linux distribution, or Linux at all. Best advice is just to ask. First thing to learn about Linux is that you better be prepared to post questions online.
You're unlikely to ask too many or inappropriate questions in the Ubuntu forums or on linuxquestions. Good newbie distros are Ubuntu, Mepis, and Mint.
If one of them doesn't work for some reason, try another. Let us know what apps you need and we can point you in the right direction. Where do I find it? If so where do I get 8. I liked how Ladislav and some of his guest contributors laid out their information for us and I have to say this was refreshing to see return compared to the last couple of weeks prior to Chirs Smart taking over the reins for here. One thing that I couldn't help but shake was in such a detailed review and also last week as well hardware was not listed, which is odd for most reviews and especially one as detailed as this..
I didn't see mention of the graphic card was other than ATI that wouldn't work, nor mention of wireless. I assumed networking worked fine, but again no mention of what networking.
I have to wonder if it was intentionally left out due to the comments derived here the last time Chris did back to back reviews on Mac related equipment and didn't want the same outlash that happened before. For me I personally don't care if that is the case. Keep your candycane on the ice. They Mandriva still have a chance to fix the stuff and they should apologize to Adam.
I'll keep those suggestions floating around by head : Hi Landor, I totally forgot to mention what hardware it was. On-board sound in both cases. I'm sure that if I guess there's a reason why the ATI I didn't test wireless, which was probably an oversight on my part. I'll make sure to include the specs and a wider range of hardware next time.
Thanks for the reminder. Sound works and volume can be changed. First we must remember not everything is free in linux. Yet another said Arch is and has the best, but you got to do a bit of work which defeats the "out of the box" deal in the first place.
Conclusion: The out of the box is a pipe dream. I want my hardware to work. If I have to use proprietary bits then I will. If I don't then I prefer not to. One of the reasons Linux finally is achieving mainstream acceptance besides the preloaded netbooks and nettops is the fact that hardware support is very good at this point.
Not perfect, mind you, but better than anything else out there. On my netbook there are three video drivers available: 1. The problem was that until recently it was proprietary or the highway. It is simply not legal in the U. The law may be an ass, but it's still the law.
It's not an issue of being FSF pure, it's a simple issue of being legal or not. Usually you can change this in your xorg. Next, I tried it with sax2 which didn't work for me the first time.
But this time it did. How about some laws to protect and further consumers' interests? I mean, for a change? Billy got too easily off the hook and his company is free to continue more or less the same practices it's been criticized for since 'day one'. This is a shame, period. Another problem is that too many Linux developers appear to be asleep at the wheel.
A lot of things which would have smoothed the overall Linux experience are not being done, or done late or implemented poorly. If I had had a decisive say, it would be mandatory for all developers of commercial software to offer their products for at least 5 different platforms, MS counting as one.
That would be a start. I also hope you didn't take any offense to my comment. I personally didn't have a problem with your previous articles at all. Would you condone and support said person's right to such an act? Yes, a bit off the point the above was. You might not like certain laws but the world is full of choices and these laws are there to protect choices. Let's use the licensing as a choice.
Choice A closed license software. B Open License Software. Let's say you work for an egg producer and your company is now told they have to give out all their eggs for free, at a loss. Would you be happy over the consumer getting such a boon while you most likely end up jobless and out of money in very short order? Rights are Rights and the minute you start poking around at the law and saying this law is wrong, but this law is right, you start defining who should and shouldn't have rights, and that's what the law is all about, equal rights to protect everyone even though that may be against your own personal view of said law s.
Keep your stick on the ice.. Either you are going to have to swallow a big 4GB pill of bloatware or I don't understand why any particular number should be considered as "bloatware". Possibly just my lack of knowledge. If I have some large aplications on my computer; say "gimp", or "open office"; why should that slow down my use of other aplications that are separate from them; e. Aren't these stored someplace where, unless I access them, they remain "out of sight and out of my mind"?
It seems that some people get mixed up between bloat and choice. Debian Lenny should be released on 5 DVDs! I still prefer to use the net-install, and choose what and when I install applications.
If I put that same DVD movie in another appliance - namely my computer and play it, that's illegal! It It is the duty of citizens to protest unfair, outdated or unethical laws. The laws discussed here are all of the above. Debian-installer Lenny rc2 should be out soon and, with a bit of luck, the actual Lenny release will follow in a couple of weeks.
But, of course, Debian's stable releases never really get outdated until the next stable Debian release comes available. People who choose to download the stable Debian DVDs only need to additionally download the security updates in the next two years. See related instructions: " Ru" Heuristic match: "tesco. COM" Heuristic match: "On touch screen driver.
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